Very safe and effective painkillers are used when tail docking. Tail chewing can cause infections including infection of the spinal column which is generally deadly.
Johnston’s has very strict rules & standards for BC Producers around animal care and handling, right from the farm, to transportation, to the plant. The BC Producers and also our animal [...]
There are several types of barns in operation today, ranging from fully slatted floor, partially slatted floors and solid bedded pens. All barns are temperature controlled year round for the [...]
Vaccines are used to prevent many of the common pig diseases, resulting in far fewer treatments with medication. Vaccines are used to prevent such things as E. coli, pneumonia, abortion and acute [...]
Medications are only used for specific therapeutic reasons and always under the care and direction of a veterinarian, when pigs have health problems. We want to ensure that our pigs are properly [...]