There are several types of barns in operation today, ranging from fully slatted floor, partially slatted floors and solid bedded pens. All barns are temperature controlled year round for the [...]
There are absolutely NO growth hormones used in growing the BC hogs that are shipped to Johnston’s. Medications are only used for specific therapeutic reasons and always under the care and [...]
The BC hogs are grain fed (wheat, barley and corn). The primary protein sources are canola meal and soybean meal. Sow and piglet diets have added fats to increase energy level. Plenty of vitamins [...]
Almost all (99%) of the female lines are Yorkshire and Landrace. Males range between Yorkshire, Duroc, Pietran and Hampshire. We do not use pure breed for market hogs, as our experience has [...]
In addition to, or as part of our own set of standards, all of our BC producers are required to be certified under the national Canadian Pork Excellence platform. All producers are third party [...]